While DragThing 4 works very well on Mac OS X, the following issues have been identified with the GM release shortly before shipping DragThing 4 - it is hoped a future release of Mac OS X will address them, or that I will be able to work round the problems soon. These features work fine on Mac OS 8.6 and 9.
If you encounter any problems with DragThing running on Mac OS X, please let me know at james.t@kagi.com, and I'll get them fixed soon.
Known Problems on Mac OS X
Choosing "Get Info" on a dock item causes the Finder to crash. DragThing and other applications are not affected.
Hot keys which are switched off will not completely deactivate until DragThing is quit.
Dragging a disk to the Trash in the Process Dock will not eject it. You need to manually eject it using the disk contextual menu in the Finder.
A number of Mac OS X system applications have the same type and creator and cannot be filtered separately from the process dock.
Colouring the appearance tabs causes drawing problems for tabs placed at the right and bottom of the dock.
Hiding and showing processes doesn't work yet, so the hot keys are disabled for now.
The option to hide the Dock is not yet functional.
The Recent Items contextual menu for applications does not work.
Document type is not checked when dragging to an application on Mac OS X.
The Dock will push DragThing docks out of the way when it resizes.
Mac OS X does not allow unmodified keys to be used as hot keys and as such, you can't use the function keys alone as hot keys.